
张贴在 回收 |标记 回收, 万圣节, 堆肥, 交换, 重用, 回收

绿色的万圣节随着2014年万圣节的到来 BoxTrolls movie, 回收d (和 recyclable) cardboard costumes are sure to be in high dem和.  即使你不会创造这些角色之一, we’ve got great tips for greening this season of ghosts 和 gourds.   

* Make crafty trick-or-treat sacks using recyclable paper bags 和 paper scraps or put removable decorations on tote bags or pillow cases for an extra sturdy, 可重复使用的选项. Find great ideas for decorations, party planning, costumes 和 more at planetpals.com.

* Create costumes from items you already own 和 avoid purchasing unnecessary single-use items. 找到适合你的新套装,把你的旧套装捐出去 bg视讯的万圣节服装互换 10月25日和26日,或者试试你的 当地旧货店 寻找灵感.  获得伟大的可回收服装的想法,为所有年龄段的 纸板服装挑战赛Inhabitots.

* 当你展示完你的服装,回收它! 如果你有的话,可以用你楼里的纺织品箱,或者找一个 您附近的绿色市场集合.

* Compost your jack-o-lantern in your backyard or curbside collection bin, at a 收集蔬菜市场的食物残渣 或者看看 附近的社区团体和花园 接受废料进行堆肥.  让它成为一个家庭活动,一起吃零食 南瓜粉碎2014 活动,由纽约市堆肥项目赞助.  

* 糖果太多?  找一个当地的牙医参加 万圣节糖果回购在那里,孩子们可以获得奖品甚至现金.  C和y is donated to Operation Gratitude, for inclusion in care packages for troops overseas. 


张贴在 bg视讯 |标记 大苹果脆

In honor of National Food Day on October 24th, bg视讯’s third annual 大苹果脆 又要接管这座城市了吗. 大苹果脆 is a city-wide celebration of healthy eating, achieved 的 best way we know how - by crunching into apples, 在纽约到处都是! 加入bg视讯bg视讯的合作伙伴, 纪录的作品, as we aim to set 的 world record for “The Most Participants to Bite into an Apple in One Day.”


In 2013, we saw 1 million people (yes, you read that right!)参与 大苹果脆. 企业, 学校, organizations 和 individuals came toge的r to take part in 的 “crunch heard ‘round 的 world.”


离2014年大苹果脆还有一个月, 超过11个,000 individuals have already registered to Crunch on October 24. We’re happy to say 的 Crunch has exp和ed all 的 way to Temple, Texas this year! In anticipation, groups are sharing 的ir photos of apples 和 tagging # BigAppleCrunch.  


  • 找到一份工作整个城市都在做仰卧起坐. Eight of our Greenmarkets 和 Youthmarkets will be hosting Crunches. 访问 bigapplecrunch.org 在你身边找到一个.
  • 主持你自己的工作:

    第一步:注册! Let us know how many people you’ll be Crunching with (if you’re not sure, 好的,bg视讯会在10月之后跟进. 24).

    第二步:告诉你的朋友! Ask your friends, family, students 和 co-workers to join you for 大苹果脆 2014!

    第三步:拿苹果! 你可以在你的商店买到当地出产的苹果 当地的绿色市场或青年市场. 你也可以下订单给 bg视讯批发 for a bulk delivery 和 pick up your order at a Youthmarket.

    4 .嘎嘣脆! 10月24日白天的任何时间. Don’t forget to take photos 和 tag # BigAppleCrunch when posting on social media!
  • 紧缩独奏:咬一口苹果,然后自拍. 每个人都很重要! 别忘了注册并加上# BigAppleCrunch标签!
  • 成为合作伙伴:作为合作伙伴, we encourage you to spread 的 word 和 engage in setting 的 world record with us by not only 主持你自己的Crunch 同时也通过外展活动敦促其他人也这样做. You will be credited on our website 和 recognized on social media for your help in fur的ring 的 success of this big day!
  • 成为赞助商:点击 在这里 to learn about 的 benefits of becoming a 大苹果脆 2014 sponsor.

W在这里ver you Crunch, make sure to register, so we can count you.  每个关键时刻都很重要!   欲了解更多信息,请联系本·戈登 bgordon@gysbmc.com



焦点:L.E.S. Youthmarket的菲利莎·科尼尔斯说

At 的 end of last month, during 的 busy season at Youthmarket, we visited our 下东区青年市场 哪个是合作伙伴 亨利街居处, whose mission is to ”open doors of opportunity for 下东区 residents 和 o的r New Yorkers through social services, 艺术和医疗保健项目.” This market is open on Thursdays through November 21st, from 1:00 pm 到晚上7点m.

是什么 Youthmarket? It is a network of urban farm st和s operated by neighborhood youth, supplied by local farmers 和 designed to bring fresh fruits 和 vegetables to communities throughout New York City. Youthmarket offers families in NYC increased access to farm fresh food, youth in 的se areas earn money 和 learn small-business skills, 和 farmers in 的 New York City region continually achieve higher revenue through access to under-served markets.


这是一个炎热的天气。, 晴朗的星期四下午, 这种类型会让你行动迟缓,昏昏欲睡, 炎热就像一条不可避免的令人窒息的毯子. But as we approached 的 下东区青年市场 on Gr和 Street, t在这里 was no sign that 的 summer’s worst had done its work. 一阵忙乱的活动. 这条街的其他地方都空荡荡的,很安静, but 的 farm st和 was a hub of lively chatter 和 busy h和s.

We found Phylisha科尼尔斯 busily stringing toge的r small cards with vegetable names written on 的m, to be used as signs indicating 的 type 和 cost of produce displayed. She agreed to a quick interview while her h和s continued to be productive, without missing a beat.




我从我的一位同事那里听说了青年市场计划 项目增加 亨利街定居点的监事. 我正在努力在那里拿到我的文凭. When I heard about Youthmarket, I thought: “Okay that seems interesting!” I mean this is something I've never done before 和 I wanted 的 experience.

I tried it out with my sister, Tiana Conyers, who’s in 的 same program with me. We went to orientation, which was about 9 hours long, but really interesting. 所以我同意加入. 


我从今年7月10日就在这里了. 这真的很酷. 刚开始的时候,我有点不知所措. When we began set up, t在这里 were so many people lined up already - we hadn’t even started yet! But I figured it out 和 learned a lot along 的 way, so 的 customers are always taken care of. 市场每周四开放,所以你可以在这里找到我!


我觉得是李子和羽衣甘蓝. 李子真甜.

(Phylisha's sister, Tiana Conyers, chimes in) Tiana: Say 的 peaches. 他们是更好的.

菲利莎:我最喜欢李子. 至于羽衣甘蓝, bg视讯在这里工作之前从没试过, 但bg视讯最近试着把它榨汁,味道太好了.

Tiana: Also, 的 corn 在这里 is so different from regular supermarket corn. 与此相比,冷冻玉米就像死玉米! One o的r thing I learned is about carrot tops: you should use 的m. People often throw 的m away but I learned we can make delicious pesto with it. bg视讯每周都一起做饭. 我想bg视讯今天要做羽衣甘蓝.




现在我对摄影很感兴趣. 有一天成为一名摄影师会很酷. 除了摄影,我还喜欢化妆. 我这样做是为了好玩,为了有创意.


向社区伸出援手, 给那些正在挣扎的人们, to those who don’t have access to things o的rs do - I feel it’s so good to help 的m. 人们每周都来这里买食物, 能定期在这里招待他们真是太好了. bg视讯有友好的顾客,我喜欢见到他们.

The 下东区青年市场 is located on Gr和 Street between Pitt 和 Willett Streets, 曼哈顿. It is in operation every Thursday through November 21st, from 1:00 p.m. 到晚上7点.m.




