Pumpkin Carving at Union Square

October 25, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged halloween, union square

来自“疯狂南瓜雕刻师”的马克·埃文和克里斯·索里亚周六来到联合广场的绿色市场,雕刻了两个150磅重的南瓜. Amazing!

这些当地种植的食尸鬼葫芦将在市场上展出一周,所以不妨过来看看. Sugar pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, 从现在到感恩节,大多数蔬菜市场都可以买到装饰南瓜.

Taste of Greenmarket 2010: A success!

October 22, 2010


超过600人加入了bg视讯,还有30位该市最好的厨师和调酒师, 提供绿色市场风格的菜肴和鸡尾酒. 这次活动使绿色市场的青年教育项目受益.

感谢bg视讯所有的赞助商和所有出席的人. See you next year!


October 20, 2010

We started our Learn It, Grow It, 吃它(LGE)项目是bg视讯社区花园和环境教育项目的合作项目. LGE students, 分别来自布朗克斯的四所高中和曼哈顿的一所高中, take part in a three-part program: growing food in local community gardens; receiving nutrition education, which they then use to perform health-related outreach activities in their schools and neighborhoods; and operating a Youthmarket community farm stand where they sell the food they grow. 今天是他们青年市场的倒数第二天, 但市场上仍然摆满了他们菜园里的农产品. 下星期三是这个季节的最后一个集市日, October 27th, 从上午10点到下午2点30分,在波士顿路和169街交界处. 看看他们花园的一些照片 Wishing Well Community Garden and from their Youthmarket.

Carlo Petrini at Union Square

October 15, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged union square


从左至右:Jim bucheri的野生蜂巢农场, Mike Yezzi of Flying Pigs Farm, Beth Linksey of Beth’s Farm Kitchen, Carlo Petrini, Founder of Slow Food, and Don Lewis of Wild Hive Farm.


Carlo Petrini, 国际慢食运动的创始人, 昨天参观了联合广场,与前往意大利的绿色市场代表交谈 Terra Madre next week.

Collecting Sunday night's shower

October 12, 2010

昨晚的倾盆大雨使纽约市下了一英寸的雨,并在一些社区引发了洪水. 暴风雨给城市的下水道系统带来了巨大的负担, 当地的分水岭也感受到了这种影响. bg视讯 has helped build over 60 rainwater harvesting systems in community gardens throughout the city. 这些系统有助于减少雨水径流, 减少对公共供水系统的需求, 让园丁们更容易给花园浇水. But just how much water do they save? bg视讯用来计算雨水收集潜力的一般公式是,1000平方英尺的集水区(如屋顶)每英寸雨水将产生600加仑的水. bg视讯还考虑了系统的效率,并说75%的潜在可收获的雨水实际上被收集了起来. 如果一座典型建筑的占地面积是20英尺× 50英尺(1000平方英尺), 这意味着昨晚一英寸的降雨量可以收集450加仑的水. 一个典型的10英尺× 10英尺的棚子可以收获45加仑. 作为参考,一个典型的喷壶大约是2.5 gallons. 关于bg视讯雨水收集项目的更多信息请访问 here. 有关构建您自己的系统的PDF指南,请单击 here.

A garden grows on Randall's Island

October 8, 2010

For the past 6 months, bg视讯的开放空间绿化项目一直在努力在兰德尔岛上建造一个儿童花园. The garden features over 30 raised beds, currently growing kale, collard greens, carrots, four varieties of tomatoes, and many other vegetables and herbs. 在bg视讯的Gerard Lordahl的指导下, 斯坦利·艾萨克斯社区中心的孩子们一直在种植蔬菜,并接受烹饪指导,这是艾萨克斯中心“种植之地”项目的一部分. 兰德尔岛儿童学习花园 is located within the Icahn Stadium complex. 有兴趣参观或在花园工作的学校团体请bg视讯厅的 School Gardens Coordinator.

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