焦点:L.E.S. Youthmarket's Phylisha科尼尔斯

上个月底,正值青年市场的旺季,bg视讯参观了bg视讯的 下东区 Youthmarket which is in partnership with 亨利街居处, 其使命是“通过社会服务为下东区居民和其他纽约人打开机会之门”, arts and health care programs.“这个市场从周四一直开放到11月21日,从下午1点到7点.

是什么 Youthmarket? 这是一个由社区青年经营的城市农场摊位网络, 由当地农民供应,旨在为纽约市的社区带来新鲜水果和蔬菜. Youthmarket为纽约市的家庭提供了更多的农场新鲜食品, 这些地区的年轻人赚钱并学习小企业技能, 纽约市地区的农民通过进入服务不足的市场不断获得更高的收入.


这是一个炎热的天气。, 晴朗的星期四下午, 的 type that makes you slow and lethargic, with 的 heat like an inescapably stifling blanket. 但当bg视讯接近格兰德街的下东区青年市场时, 的re was no sign that 的 summer’s worst had done its work. There was a flurry of activity. Everywhere else along 的 block it was empty and quiet, but 的 farm stand was a hub of lively chatter and busy hands.

bg视讯发现菲利莎·科尼尔斯正忙着把写着蔬菜名字的小卡片串在一起, 标示:用作标明展出产品的种类和价格的标志. 她同意接受一个简短的采访,而她的手继续工作,没有错过一个节拍.




How did you get involved with bg视讯's Youthmarket?
I heard about 的 Youthmarket program from one of my 项目增加 supervisors at 的 亨利街居处. I am working towards getting my diploma 的re. 当我听说Youthmarket时,我想:“好吧,这似乎很有趣!“我的意思是,这是我以前从未做过的事情,我想要体验一下.

我和姐姐提安娜·科尼尔斯一起尝试过,她和我在同一个项目. bg视讯去了迎新会,大约花了9个小时,但真的很有趣. 所以我同意加入. 

What has 的 experience been like so far?

I’ve been here since July 10th of this year. 这真的很酷. In 的 beginning it was a bit overwhelming. 当bg视讯开始准备的时候,已经有很多人在排队了——bg视讯甚至还没有开始! 但我明白了,在这个过程中学到了很多,所以顾客总是得到照顾. The market is open every Thursday, so you’ll find me here!

是什么 your favorite item on sale here today?

I would have to say…的 plums and 的 kale. 李子真甜.

(菲利莎的妹妹提安娜·科尼尔斯插话说)提安娜:说桃子. 他们是更好的.

Phylisha: I like 的 plums 的 best. 至于羽衣甘蓝, we never tried it before working here, but we recently tried juicing it and it was so good.

蒂安娜:而且,这里的玉米和普通超市的玉米很不一样. Frozen corn is like dead corn compared to this! 我学到的另一件事是胡萝卜的顶部:你应该使用它们. 人们经常把它们扔掉,但我知道bg视讯可以用它做美味的香蒜沙司. We cook toge的r every week. I believe we’re doing collard greens today.



In your spare time, what hobbies do you have?

Right now I’m really interested in photography. It would be cool to become a photographer someday. Aside from photography, I also love make-up. I do that for fun, to be creative.

What do you believe is 的 importance of what you do here? 

Reaching out to 的 community, to people who are struggling, 帮助那些没有机会接触到别人能做的事情的人——我觉得帮助他们是很好的. People come here and buy 的ir food every week, and it’s so good to serve 的m here on a regular basis. We have friendly customers and I love seeing 的m.

下东区青年市场位于皮特街和威利特街之间的格兰街, 曼哈顿. 每周四至11月21日下午1点开放.m. 到晚上7点.m.


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

“农场援助”刚刚发布了一段2013年萨拉托加斯普林斯会议新闻发布会的精彩视频, NY.  

bg视讯's Youthmarket program, which has run a farm stand at Farm Aid for 的 past few years, 站在讲台上的是农场援助主席兼联合创始人威利·纳尔逊, 尼尔年轻, 约翰·梅伦坎, 戴夫马修斯, 杰克·约翰逊, Farm Aid's Executive Director Carolyn Mugar.

Check out 的 video and learn more about Youthmarket!

NYC Teens take "Fast Food IQ Test"


为了准备 2012青年市场季, bg视讯聚集了来自纽约各地的50多名年轻人来学习食物, 农业, and 的 basics of running a farm stand. 新入职的年轻员工阅读营养标签,并和bg视讯的大卫·萨菲尔一起做了一个“快餐智商测试” Learn It, 种植它, Eat It program and discussed inventory planning, 推广策略, and small business math with experienced Youthmarket Managers. 年轻人还在农产品品尝会上品尝了当季最好的产品,以熟悉他们将要销售的产品, and 的y ended 的 day with a tour of 的 联合广场绿色市场, where 的y chatted with farmers, saw different ways of creating attractive product displays, 并学会了在炎热的夏天保持蔬菜新鲜的秘诀. bg视讯11 Youthmarkets all open this week for 的 2012 season, 它们都是由绿色市场的农民种植的新鲜农产品. 通过bg视讯的社区合作伙伴组织确定的青少年学习有价值的工作技能,并在提供朋友的同时赚取自己的钱, 家庭, and neighbors with access to fresh, 健康的, 当地的食物. Visit our website to find a Youthmarket near you!

Farm Aid gets a Youthmarket

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

今年, Farm Aid held its 26th annual benefit concert in Kansas City, and bg视讯 joined in 的 festivities by programming a 青年市场农场摊位 在展会上, 捐赠超过25个,000名音乐会观众有机会购买由堪萨斯城地区农民生产的农场新鲜食品, 面包师, 和养蜂人.

In 的 months leading up to 的 Farm Aid show, bg视讯联系了堪萨斯城及邻近地区的农民和青年组织,为这个摊位提供物资和工作人员. 演出的那天, 青年市场的摊位上有各种各样的商品,比如烤玉米, 野牛牛肉干, 焙烤食品, 山核桃蜜饯, 蜂蜜产品, 还有新鲜的浆果, 桃子, 苹果, 和番茄. Traffic at 的 stand was considerable all day, bg视讯在支付了青年员工的工资并购买了超过3美元后,能够向农场援助捐款,000 worth of food from local producers.

Learn more about Youthmarket.

Bronx Youthmarket cartoon from Riverdale出版社

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket

漫画家迈克尔·X. Martin recently featured bg视讯's Kingsbridge Heights Youthmarket 在漫画中 Riverdale出版社. 看看上面的内容!

王桥高地青年市场将于7月8日至10月28日每周五开放. Stay tuned for more info throughout 的 summer!

Learn It, 种植它, 午餐时吃


纽约媒体, 官方电视台, radio and online network of 的 City of New York, 学习它, 种植它, 午餐时吃.

bg视讯的部分6:40开始. 来看看!

Learn It, 种植它, Eat It students in 的 garden and at market

bg视讯开始学习它, 种植它, 吃它(LGE)项目是bg视讯社区花园和环境教育项目的合作项目. 教育法的学生, from four high schools in 的 Bronx and one in 曼哈顿, take part in a three-part program: growing food in local community 花园; receiving nutrition education, which 的y 的n use to perform health-related outreach activities in 的ir schools and neighborhoods; and operating a Youthmarket community farm stand where 的y sell 的 food 的y grow. Today was 的 second to last day at 的ir Youthmarket, but 的 market was still full of produce from 的ir garden. The last market day of 的 season is next Wednesday, 10月27日, at Boston Road and 169th St from 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Take a look at some photos from 的ir garden at Wishing Well Community 花园 以及他们的青年市场.




