
张贴在 社区花园 |标记 成长学习

成长为学习 NYC: 的 Citywide School 花园s Initiative, 这是bg视讯联合创立的一个项目, 知道花园, cafes and cafeterias are classrooms too, so we asked NYC chefs to lend 的ir support and expertise.

Chefs are an integral part of shaping how we eat and how we view food so it’s only natural that 的y take part in bg视讯的 成长为学习 学校的花园 program. 在花园, 在农贸市场, in schools and in 餐厅 NYC chefs are helping to advance 的 good food/good health movement by:

  • Teaching 学生 how to prepare healthy school lunches, 零食, 用新鲜水果进餐, 蔬菜和香草
  • Encouraging healthy eating habits by demonstrating 的 natural deliciousness of farm fresh foods
  • Introducing young people on 的 cusp of adulthood to possible career choices

从6月24日到30日, you can visit participating 餐厅 and help NYC youth gain better skills, 关于成长的习惯和知识, 吃和准备食物. 所有的 在学校花园外用餐 餐厅, will donate a percentage of 的 sales of one or more menu items towards supporting 学校的花园.

Your participation will help ensure that New York City’s youth are getting outside and growing–and making 的 connection between what’s in 的 garden with what’s on 的ir plates by visiting 的se 餐厅:


回四十 -清炒东京萝卜(配菜)

其他地方的餐馆 -吃喝当地周大奖赛固定菜单

哥谭酒吧和烧烤店 -一份25美元的绿色市场特别菜单

多谢!酒馆 -吃喝当地周大奖赛固定菜单

绿色的桌子 -本地手工奶酪盘

亨利的 -菜市场广场餐

挂一 -吃喝当地周大奖赛固定菜单

我特鲁利 -特别的绿色市场品尝菜单

供货 -蘑菇+芦笋开胃菜

Mae Mae cafee -素食汉堡


Riverpark -马斯卡彭意大利饺子

帕玛科托沙属植物 culatello语言环境

炮台公园城市Shake Shack -夏季黑莓馅饼奶昔

十楼栈桥 - Greenmarket strawberry sundae and spinach gnocchi

“wichcraft – Asparagus frittata, roasted free-range chicken, and marinated zucchini sandwiches


这里 -特价 吃 & 喝当地菜单 ($46)

玫瑰水 -吃喝本地周菜单

范德比尔特 ——弗莱舍传统猪里脊肉

Interested in supporting 成长为学习 NYC?  捐赠 今天!
(choose Citywide School 花园s as your program designation)

成长为学习 is a program of bg视讯 and 的 Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.纽约.gov / growtolearn.

To add your restaurant to this promotion, contact Julie Walsh at jwalsh@grow纽约.org.


张贴在 环境教育 |标记 孩子们, 联合广场

今天下午, teens from our environmental education program were out cooking food at 的 Union Square Greenmarket in 的ir pizza box solar ovens. 一个烤箱的温度超过了200度!


张贴在 回收 |标记 回收冠军

bg视讯正在与DNAinfo合作.com, 本地数字新闻服务, to award one lucky 曼哈顿 school with a 回收冠军计划. bg视讯 will provide 的 winning school with staff and student 回收 workshops, a school-wide environmental event and technical assistance to improve 的 schools 回收 program. The K-12 public school with 的 most votes wins. The contest ends June 30 and 的 program will begin in September - 投票现在!

bg视讯的 回收冠军计划 works hands-on with multiple schools across NYC to develop model, lasting school 回收 programs. 通过直接与教师合作, 政府, 学生, 还有学校的管理员, 回收 Champions aims to create best practice guides, 资源, and 工具 that will be made available to every school in NYC. During its first year, 回收 Champions outreached to 8,013 学生 and 643 classroom teachers.


29 Mini-Grants Awarded to NYC School 花园s!



成长为学习 recently awarded 29 Mini-Grants of up to $2,000 to help NYC schools keep 的ir gardens growing. 学校将用资金购买土壤, 工具, 种子, 软管, 手推车, 手套, and even provide professional development and garden training for teachers. "We evaluated over 60 competitive proposals, and looked for projects that are well planned, sustainable and have a positive impact on children related to nutrition and environmental education," said 成长为学习 Coordinator Erica Keberle. If your school has not yet applied for a 成长为学习 Mini-Grant, our next application deadline is 2011年6月30日. Those schools that did not receive a Mini-Grant during 的 last round are eligible to reapply. Past Mini-Grant recipients are not eligible to reapply. 现在是最好的时机 注册你的花园 与成长学习和 申请小型助学金. Special thanks to Bank of America and 的 Doris Duke Charitable Foundation for 的ir generous support of 成长为学习 Mini-Grants. 29个获资助机构是: 布朗克斯 Dewitt Clinton High School University Heights High School PS 43 Jonas Bronck & 莫特黑文学院特许学校 布鲁克林 Alternate Learning Center - John Jay Community Roots Charter School High School for Public Service Kurt Hahn School Bedford Village School, Public School 3 The Clinton Hill School, 诗篇20诗篇29约翰M. 哈里根·约翰·W. Kimball Learning Center, PS 107 PS 149 Danny Kaye PS 154 PS 230 Doris L. Cohen PS 261 Philip Livingston Park Slope Elementary and Middle School, PS/MS 282威廉佩恩学校, PS 321 曼哈顿 LaGuardia Arts High School Muscota New School & Amistad Dual Language School John Melser Charrette School, PS 3 The William T. 哈里斯学校, PS 11河东小学, PS 37 PS 110 Florence Nightingale 曼哈顿 Middle School for Scientific Inquiry, MS 328曼哈顿儿童学校, PS 333 American Sign Language and English Lower School, PS 347 皇后区 East-West School of International Studies John Bowne Elementary, PS 20 史泰登岛 中级学校49 Berta A. 德莱弗斯




