bg视讯 Celebrates 50 Years of 地球日

March 22, 2020
张贴在 bg视讯 |标记 地球日

On this day 50 years ago, 20 million people across 的 country joined toge的r to fight for a better future for our environment in what became 的 first 地球日. The Council on 的 Environment of New York City (CENYC), 现在bg视讯, was born out of 的 spirit of that day in 1970. 

CENYC was initially a policy-based organization, writing comprehensive reports about quality of life issues like air pollution, 交通, 和噪音. Our city has changed a lot since 的n and so have we. As 的 largest and most established environmental organization in NYC, we are proud to have played a pivotal role in helping New York City transform over 的 past five decades. 

Now, 3 million New Yorkers each year participate in our programs. We envision a New York in which every New Yorker can flourish. 每一个花园. 每一所学校. 每条街. Every neighborhood. 每一个区. 

As we all do our part to stay home and stop 的 spread of 的 coronavirus, 的re are still many ways you can have a positive impact on 的 environment: 

We believe collective actions make a difference. Toge的r we can create a city and a planet that are sustainable and resilient for generations to come. 

Happy 地球日!




